Common Water Damage Causes

There are definitely some primary and common causes for water damage and flooding in you home and business. Knowing these potential problems is the first line of defense against bigger issues.

Appliances and Equipment

If you have appliances in your home or business, then these are a common reason for water damage to occur. Water Heaters, boilers, air conditioners, or anything that uses pipes, tubes, gaskets or filters to operate has leakage potential. If this happens at night or without you noticing, this can cause a lot of damage, and that’s when you need to contact us!

The most effective thing to do is regularly check and maintain your equipment. If you notice anything that is concern like rust, bulges, cracks or moisture, take preventative measures. Also remember to replace ythe water supply lines regularly and re-caulk and re-seal them.


Make sure you check your roof regularly. If it is not draining water correctly or efficiently, it can cause it to enter your house or building. Did you know that an inch of water weighs in at around five pounds. Over time, this can cause strain and lead to unwanted leaks.

Make sure to keep an eye out for any damage to perimeter flashing, the roof membrane or roof penetrations, or drainage systems. Over time, these important safety measures can wear out, leading to problems with the seals and actually leading water right inside.

Pipes and Drains

This seems obvious, but any plumbing system is susceptible to stoppages, clogs and damage. If a crack develops, even a small one only an eighth of an inch long, could dump hundreds of gallons of water! Not what you want.

Look for visible signs of moisture, rust, cracks, blue stains, and bulges. If you are having plumbing work done or have a cut pipe for any reason, check for buildup.

Mother Nature

Natural disasters like hurricanes, severe thunderstorms and flash flooding can do untold damage to your home and building. You certainly can’t control the weather, but you can take some precautions to be ready for it.

Keeping your gutters clear, installing barriers and storing important files and electronics at a higher level are all things you can do to keep the damage minimal.

You may also want to consider getting a risk assessment for your property and adding flood insurance if you’re in an area where you are a higher risk.

In the end, there’s no way to be completely free of all risk of water damage, but being aware of the common culprits, practicing good maintenance and taking some preventative measures can reduce your risk and help you have a better response if something does happen. Stay Dry!

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We strive to keep our communities healthy & safe!

We believe the services we offer for cleaning and disinfecting will provide a benefit to anyone’s home or business. Not only the services we offer, but the way we offer them! All of our technicians are trained in the use of respirators and PPE (personal protective equipment), which is a common practice in our industry.

You can be confident in our ability to protect you and your family while we work for you!

How we’re staying safe:

  • Face coverings used when services provided in your home
  • Contactless forms of payment and invoicing
  • Contactless forms of estimating and job-costing via phone or video
  • Following all CDC guidelines with social distancing and face coverings