Quick Stain Remover

Let’s face it, stains happen. Whether you have kids or you are a full grown adult, things spill, fall, drip, slosh, tip, bubble, spray, dribble, and spatter. Here is a nice guide to cleaning these stains yourself before you call us experts in to do a deep clean of your carpet and surfaces.

Let’s get Sparklin’

  1. When starting to remove a stain, make sure you clear the area of dirt, debris, and excess moisture.
  2. Always gently blot the stain with a dry towel. Never rub the stain as this can make it steep into the fibers, making it more difficult to remove the carpet stain and could lead to saturation to the carpet pad.
  3. You can try a mixture of white vinegar, dish soap (Dawn/degreasing soap recommended), and water in a spray bottle. Use 1/4 cup of white vinegar, 1 tbsp. of the dish soap, and fill with water. Spray area liberally and let soak for 5-10 minutes and proceed with blotting with a clean, dry towel until stain is removed.
  4. There are some carpet stain removal products can be of great benefit for combating many types of carpet stains. These include BISSELL® Carpet Cleaning Formulas, RESOLVE® Carpet Cleaners, and even OxiClean® for stained carpets. If the stain is a stubborn one, use these as directed and then repeat with the vinegar spritz method until the stain has vanished. (Make sure to test a small area of the carpet to assure there will be no reaction or negative impact from using any of these substances.)

Stain too much to handle on your own? Just want a deep clean of your carpets & surfaces in your home or rental?

Give us a call!

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We believe the services we offer for cleaning and disinfecting will provide a benefit to anyone’s home or business. Not only the services we offer, but the way we offer them! All of our technicians are trained in the use of respirators and PPE (personal protective equipment), which is a common practice in our industry.

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  • Face coverings used when services provided in your home
  • Contactless forms of payment and invoicing
  • Contactless forms of estimating and job-costing via phone or video
  • Following all CDC guidelines with social distancing and face coverings